5 Tips For Beginners to Keep Aquarium Fish Healthy

5 Tips For Beginners to Keep Aquarium Fish Healthy

Like any other pet, to keep aquarium fish healthy, we must provide them with the right environment and an excellent diet. Below tips can help you achieve this.

Enough Space

Overcrowding can lead to low oxygen levels in the water and excess waste, which is known to clog the filter and degrade aquarium water. In addition, too many fish in small spaces can cause fatalities. The rule of thumb is that fish tank length should be at least 7 times the fish size.

Replace Water Regularly

Change 25% of your aquarium water at least once a month. This will help maintain a clean and healthy tank, plus it keeps nitrate concentrations at a safe level. 

Maintain Ideal Water Temperature

Every fish species have a comfort zone when it comes to water temperature.  Tropical freshwater fish require a constant temperature of 72°F – 82°F depending on the species, in which case you’ll need to purchase an aquatic heater for your tank.

Changes in temperature can wreak havoc on aquarium fish. Don't place your aquarium in a window that gets a lot of Sun or next to heating or air conditioning vents, as drastic temperature changes can make your fish sick or even kill them.

Clean The Algae

Excessive Algae buildup can cloud the glass, give water a murky look, and deplete oxygen, which can create health concerns for your aquatic life. We recommend using tools such as scrub brushes, some with long handles and aquarium algae magnets to scrape off excess algae from the aquarium.

Don't Over-Feed

Over-feeding can cause many issues such as directly killing the fish with digestive problems or resulting in water pollution which can be unhealthy and deadly to the fish. When it comes to feeding fish, the less, the better.
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